Hello friends!
Falling Whistles Austin is holding an event on February 13 at the Victory Grill in East Austin from 8pm-2am. The event will serve as a call for people to pay attention to what's going on in the Congo. It's also going to serve as a send-off for Sean and a few others who are returning to the Congo to further their knowledge on how they can better serve these children. We're also going to raise a ton of money and dance our faces off.
There will be a few bands and DJs (TBA, but I promise it will be awesome) as well as a photography display by Esther Havens (http://estherhavens.com/) and a Trevor Ray Thompson Photo Booth (www.trevoray.com).
Here's where YOU come in.
We'll need people for the following:
1. Street Team- Starting from Jan 26 up until the event, we'll be pushing hard to make everyone know about it. Obviously. :)
2. FW Reps- These -people will work the night of the event, mingling with the crowd and talking to people about what FW is. You might also be assigned another job (working the merch table, ettc)
3. People to do BOTH- I think you get it. :)
Here's the catch. You need to attend at least ONE training meeting on Monday January 26 or Wednesday January 28. They'll be held at 9pm at a location TBA. If you cannot make one of the meetings due to a scheduling conflict, let me know and we'll work something out.
Thank you guys in advance for all the time and effort I know you're going to put in!! If you have any questions, shoot me an email at fallingwhistlesaustin@gmail.com, pnewton724@mac.com or call me at 281-731-3194.
Also, more info will be popping up on the blog: www.fwaustin.blogspot.com.
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